Bar Brothers Workout Plan
I believe that a simple regiment of only pushups and squats is quite restricted, it is unlikely that you would find much results. Though, it is a good place to start.
If you are interested in truly increasing muscle definition and achieving the body you desire I would recommend a more comprehensive workout plan. In my time as a personal trainer I have come across many workout plans, some of which work better than others. One I believe would be very suited to someone interested in getting a nice shape without the stress of weightlifting and the gym would have to be Bar Brothers. It is an easily accessible workout plan and reasonable for all beginners who are just starting out in fitness.
Bar Brothers Workout Plan: Bar Brothers Movement
by: Michael Dames, Personal trainer and fitness guru
Anything is better than doing nothing.
Realistically speaking this is a naive question from someone who should really spend some time learning how to resistance train properly in general (don't get so fixated on exercises only) whether or not that's from bodyweight only or external load.However, you're bound to reach a point of diminishing returns quickly using only 2 exercises without external loading options.
Moving daily is good, but you're not training the back here and you're not going to train the legs much either with just squats (which most unfit people can do for hours).
To create new muscle you need to create sufficient mechanical stress and to create sufficient mechanical stress you need to know how to modify levers with bodyweight exercises, or you need to add external load.
The lower body with no external load will only be able to get as far as single leg squats (pistol squat, whatever you want to call them) and well in my experience you won't build a ton of leg muscle using only these. Bodyweight training is most limiting on the lower body.
The upper body pushup will progress as far as a single arm pushup or a single arm wall push up (though I believe you should add a pull to your routine for certain, like a pull up or bodyweight row) which can build considerable muscle (there is a smaller functional capacity for upper body movements typically) by comparison but is significantly harder to execute and learn than the single leg squat.
Again it largely comes down to learning how to train properly (i.e. the principles of training) and if you know those training principles and you know what you mean by 'nice shaped body' (which is very vague) then you might be able to achieve this. It will most likely take you some time though.
by: Darren Beattie,
Weights Don't Work
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Here's How Anyone Can Get A Great
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